Boutiques of Merauke

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Note of the authorMerauke is the famous city in the east most of Indonesia archipelago. I want to go there some day. It will be so wonderful i know. :D


It's free for personal and commercial users. Wise to use this font. Not permitted for pornographic using, sarcasm, and other negative aims.

Donation is highly appreciated!

Donation will help me to elevate my creativity and finance my school necessity. You can donate me to my paypal account or if you didn't have paypal account, you can donate to my bank account (Bank Mandiri, contact me for further information).

You can also donate by sending books or e-books (I'd like to read a lot), apparel, CDs, certificates, etc., especially something containing my font.

And alternative donation: please make people around you happy. Let's make a better place!

Forever, thank you :)

Twitter: @bergunarta FB: Adien Gunarta
First seen on : July 11, 2013

Boutiques of Merauke.ttfBoutiques of Merauke


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