Basic information
ChristmasBanner_PERSONAL.ttf Caution - Windows usersThis font is heavy to load and may freeze or crash the Windows font viewer.
You should avoid previewing it before installing it (do not double-click on the font file, but right-click > Install)
Note of the authorNOTE: This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
To purchase a commercial license, visit:
Write for example [Christmas] [Miracle] to make decorative versions of the words. Available words: Wish, Wishes, Merry, Christmas, Happy, New Year
How to use the Banners font: Write for example ABC to create a beginning, middle and end, or ABBBC for a longer banner.
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First seen on : November 05, 2018
ChristmasMiracle_PERSONAL.ttf➥ ChristmasBanner_PERSONAL.ttf➥