Futura Handwritten

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Basic information

Note of the authorFutura Handwritten follows the BASIC shape structure of one of my personal favorite fonts, Futura Medium, but in a fun looking, handwritten style. Great for comics and other cartoons. I actually use this font for a webcomic that I created(www.pixelfailure.com), if you want to see it in action. :D

Feel free to use this font for anything you want. Crediting me would be absolutely wonderful, but I can't expect everyone to do it, so it isn't required.

If anything, at least send me a copy of the work when you use it. I love seeing my fonts in action. :)
First seen on : January 25, 2013
FuturaHandwritten.ttfFutura Handwritten


  • The font download webtenfont does not own the copyright for the fonts listed. The copyright of the fonts belongs to the original author. Unless otherwise specified, this font is only for PC use and is not suitable for mobile phones.
  • The fonts listed on the font download webtenfont and all related information are collected from the Internet or provided by netizens. The font download webtenfont does not provide any guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information.