Minnesota Winter

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Basic information

Note of the authorFree for personal use, however, donations are always gladly accepted :-)

ANY commercial use requires a license ($15 USD via PayPal). Please contact me or refer to text file that is in the font download for more details.

Redistribution of this font without my permission is strictly forbidden. Contact me for details.

I'd love to see how you use my font. Please send me images of your projects!

Website: www.ghostsofbigfoot.com
E-mail: theketchupmonkey[at]gmail[dot]com
First seen on : November 14, 2013

MinnesotaWinter-Regular.ttfMinnesota Winter


  • The font download webtenfont does not own the copyright for the fonts listed. The copyright of the fonts belongs to the original author. Unless otherwise specified, this font is only for PC use and is not suitable for mobile phones.
  • The fonts listed on the font download webtenfont and all related information are collected from the Internet or provided by netizens. The font download webtenfont does not provide any guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information.