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Basic information

NukeDemo-Italic.otfNukeDemo-Bold.otfNote of the authorThe Nuke is new font from Aphriell Art, elegant feel character set. To create the beautiful combination, just mix the uppercase and lowercase, there are three styles, bold, italic and regular. The Nuke inspired from Handwritten of someone I love.

Product Content :

Nuke-Regular (OTF Format)

Nuke-Bold (OTF Format)

Nuke-Italic (OTF Format)

Numerals & Punctuations (OpenType Standard)

The Nuke is suitable font for many creative products & designs.

Wanna full version?
Download here

Thank you for purchasing and happy designing
First seen on : August 01, 2021



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  • The fonts listed on the font download webtenfont and all related information are collected from the Internet or provided by netizens. The font download webtenfont does not provide any guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information.