Basic information
Xilo Cordel Literature III.ttfXilo Cordel Literature II.ttfXilo Cordel Literature I.ttfNote of the authorCordel literature is type of a popular, originally verbal poetry, and later printed in rustic brochures or another quality of paper, displayed for sales hung in ropes or twines, what gave to origin to the name that comes there of Portugal. The covers of these booklets were made in xilogravure for being a cheap process. The drawings however follow a rustic style that inspires my work, this dingbat if it approaches this style of art more than.
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First seen on : November 26, 2009 - Updated: January 29, 2016
Xilo Cordel Literature IV.ttf➥ Xilo Cordel Literature III.ttf➥ Xilo Cordel Literature II.ttf➥ Xilo Cordel Literature I.ttf➥